Dr. Andy Wolff – Dentist and Specialist in Oral Medicine

Curriculum Vitae Summary

Dr. Andy Wolff graduated from Tel-Aviv University as a dentist and Specialist in Oral Medicine.

His clinical practice encompasses Oral Medicine and Oral Rehabilitation (including implants). He is active in the writing of expert witness reports on professional malpractice and other types of dental damages.

Dr. Andy Wolff has been Visiting Fellow at the National Institutes of Health (USA) and the Director of the Saliva Clinic at Tel Aviv University, the Dentistry Department at Assuta Hospital and of 4 public dental clinics.

Currently, he is the President of Saliwell Ltd., a company that is focused in intraoral medical devices providing high tech solutions for dry mouth, such as the SaliPen device. He is also the referent dentist for dental treatment under General Anesthesia for adults at Ichilov Hospital.

Dr. Andy Wolff has authored over 75 publications in scientific journals and chapters in books, holds 4 patents on medical devices and is a sought-after speaker at professional meetings all over the world.

Dr. Andy Wolff has been awarded 7 research grants from the European Commission (FP5, FP6 and FP7) to develop medical devices. He serves as reviewer and in the editorial board of several scientific journals, and is member of a number of professional societies.

Full CV (download 165KB PDF file)

Dr. Andy Wolff - Dentist and Specialist in Oral Medicine

Dr. Andy Wolff – Dentist and Specialist in Oral Medicine

Dr. Andy Wolff – Dentist and Specialist in Oral Medicine